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RIBAJ/West Fraser competition winners

Paul Cashin and Keith Evans.

PAUL Cashin Architects & Keith Evans Architects’ transformation of a department store in Southampton into a secondary school with community learning spaces has won this year’s West Fraser Sterling­OSB Zero/RIBAJ competition.

As an architect, what do you like about SterlingOSB Zero?
The industrial appearance is interesting; as are the texture, pattern and robust finish. OSB is economical and practical and way more diverting to the eye than the more expensive birch-faced plywood.

Why would you choose SterlingOSB Zero for a project? 
The panel is so popular due to its sustainable credentials; it’s a renewable material, low in carbon, and boasts an environmental pro­duct declaration document. The earthy, rustic, natural look is also a winner!

When specifying materials, is cost a consideration? Do you know the price of different brands of a generic material? 
We work with cost consultants and always test material costs of products against others to see what fits best with the budget and meets the client’s brief. The third factor we look at, alongside cost and brief, is the carbon footprint of a product. 

What type of project would you specify SterlingOSB Zero for? 
All types of projects from private and social housing, educational establishments, work­places, and community projects. 

How important is it, as architect, to use an OSB supplier which is committed to sustainable production and supply? 
It is very important that the companies we work with are committed to sustainability. We want to work with professional companies that share our ethos to sustainable design and delivery.

Do you specify by generic types (e.g. OSB) or by brand (e.g. SterlingOSB Zero)?
If we have time, we will specify a product by name or approved equal. We do like to use brands we know obviously.

If you specify a branded product, do you check this is the same product purchased by the contractor? 
Yes, the checking process on any job is as important as the specifying stage.

How important are SterlingOSB Zero’s environmental credentials to specifiers net zero targets?
Any renewable, low embodied carbon material like SterlingOSB Zero is important in getting a project’s embodied carbon figure as low as possible. 

Would you recommend SterlingOSB Zero to other architects and if so, why?
Yes, we would because it is renewable, economical, robust and a visually interesting material to use. Also, as it’s sourced in the UK its carbon footprint is lower than importing an alternative product from further away.

See page 8 of our December 2023/January 2024 issue on our Back Issues page.