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UHI Inverness Student of the Year Nadia Johal

NADIA JOHAL, an apprentice who mentored pupils and led the winning team in a sustainability challenge while studying and working night shifts has been named as UHI Inverness Student of the Year.

UHI Inverness announced their student of the year winners to celebrate outstanding individuals for a range of reasons including academic achievement, overcoming adversity, personal endeavour and exceptional peer and mentor support.

Nadia is a fourth year Electrical Engineering Apprentice at the wood panelling manufacturer, West Fraser.

Nadia said: “It is nice for my achievements to be noted and appre­ciated after all the hard work I have put in while studying with UHI Inverness.

“Since leaving school in 2012 I have studied at the university a number of times, including completing a business-related degree.

“During my latest study experience I have had the chance to be heavily involved with STEM and STEAM projects where I have been able to meet many inspirational people. Being taught by lecturers with such impressive, real-life knowledge of the field really helped to enrich the entire experience.”

Nadia was nominated by Jack Marley McIntyre, UHI Inverness STEAM Coordinator, who mentored her during two major projects.

See page 9 of our April/May 2024 issue on our Back Issues page.

West Fraser: 01786 812921: